Goddess Rising.

Goddess rising is ultimately about obtaining a more useful definition of gender. The art suggest that gender is an abstract set of all possible solutions to all possible problems humanity will ever encounter.

When an individual or the collective unconscious of humanity is forced into a strict binary definition of gender , less solutions are available to each to solve problems.

The solutions available to our psyche become , man solutions , woman solutions , those of one sex are consciously or unconsciously uncomfortable using solutions they feel are not of their perceived gender.

In such a state the individual psyche or the collective unconscious is limited in its ability to solve the many problems now encountered in the changing modern world.

Hence, this puts the individual and the collective psyche of humanity at increased risk of its own complete destruction.

However, the state of gender fluidity opens the psyche by unlocking gender , and all solutions of the psyche are available to the individual or to the collective psyche of humanity.

The well being of the individual and the greater psychic humanity is increased as new solutions emerge to solve new problems facing us today in a world close to destruction.

That’s what the art is about. We need more goddess in the human psyche. We need a more fluid experience of gender. We need more solutions.

Time is running out.

“Anima Awakens.” August 2015 , Soft Pastel 18x18 inches.